Apply to get a stipend for the 2023 AAJA Convention

The AAJA-San Francisco Bay Area Chapter is offering stipends that members can use for attending the 2023 AAJA National Convention in Washington, D.C.

Up to five stipends of $315 each (the equivalent of early-bird registration fees) are available to paid 2023 members of the chapter. Grantees are expected to volunteer to help the chapter with at least one program or activity.

Apply for a stipend by June 1.

The National Convention will be held July 19-22 at the Capital Hilton. The early-bird deadline for registration is May 31.


4 thoughts on “Apply to get a stipend for the 2023 AAJA Convention

  1. Hello,

    I’m applying for this stipend for AAJA 2023 due to my current financial status. I’m the main provider for a family of four living in San Jose, and money is certainly tight these days. Last year, my employer (Bally Sports/Sinclair) sponsored me for AAJA 22 in L.A. However, given Bally Sports’ ongoing bankruptcy, it’s unclear at the moment if they will send me again this summer.

    As the Sports Task Force chair, I surely want to be present at convention to assure things run smoothly and to connect with piers while also attending panels. But I will have a difficult time fully covering convention costs out of pocket and thus would refrain from going. Should I receive a stipend from the Bay Area chapter, I would definitely go and certainly fulfill the volunteer requirement as well.

    Thank you

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